Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend post #4

 It is always a joy watching your friends tie the knot with their partner - much more so when you are aware of what he had to go through to get there :) So happy for my friend and even more so for the opportunity to catch up with old ones!

Ceremony and reception was held at Chijmes, a lovely spot to get married in. The decor is so inspiring and the food is actually pretty good as well! Only thing that bothered me was that service was a bit slow and we only ended having our mains at 10pm so by the time dessert came, I was ready to call it quits and head home (After a rather big night previously, didn't want to overdo and push my boundaries).
Interior of the church - so pretty! 
 Picture of the day - show off those muscles Chris!
Sarah took this shot while we waiting for dinner and watsapp it back to the table - we were all so hungry!  
 Dinner - very very satisfying
 Group shot!
 It was really good to catch up with friends. Ended up sharing with S on how I thought I had grown after starting work and she commented that she like the new more amenable me. Such a humbling statement that it gave me resolve to be a better person.
Drove home and reached home in record time. New work week tomorrow and I have landings again - looking forward to it, though equally apprehensive at the same time.

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