Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekend post #5

Back from trip and gosh I am so behind in blogging! Photos are Taiwan are coming right up I hope but first a quick recap of my trip to Gardens by the Bay when Iz came to visit. Unfortunately, I was not able to take leave the entire time she was here but I took the afternoon off the Friday before we left for Taipei. Suggested going to Gardens by the Bay since it was the latest must go to attraction in Singapore. Bought tickets to the Cloud forest and Flower dome. Must say that I personally prefer the Cloud Forest but do not think that the attraction has matured enough for it to be really worth visiting. By mature I'm referring mainly to the trees and plants

The moment we stepped in we were greeted by a big spray of water from the hanging gardens/waterfall - pretty awesome impact I must say.
First sight that one sees when walking into the flower dome - there is a restaurant that sits inside the flower dome, Pollen & a Chinese restaurant which would be really nice for events and perhaps the romantic dinner (?) - but maybe try that on a weekday.
The Gardens at night - pretty cool... especially when they overlook MBS
Really recommend it for people to go at least once. Quite a unique attraction which I have yet to see anywhere else in the world.

1 comment:

  1. just checking in to say hi!! enjoying your posts so keep on blogging!!

