Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend post #3

A weekend where the girls decided to be posh and go for high tea at Fullerton. A heritage building in Singapore that has been always associated with class and money, was particularly excited to have an excuse to visit the hotel and partake in hobbies of the upper class - high tea. The hotel is definitely a very grand building and as we were walking up to the lobby from the basement carpark, could not help but just stop at the grand staircase to marvel in awe at the interior of the building. The building is shaped almost like a pyramid with the courtyard ( the name of the restaurant where we had our high tea) located in the middle of the pyramid shape lobby. Despite it being inside the building, did not feel claustrophobic at all - perhaps due to the space and light coming from the roof.
Tea was an experience in itself, so much different from my first high tea experience at Halia, Botanical Gardens. First, we were able select (from a list of extensive tea ranges) our preferred tea which ranged from Rooibos tea to vanilla scented tea. When the platters came, everyone just went wild over the range of savoury items. Occasionally, the service staff would come by to refill the stand and we would excitedly ask for extras of our favourites - cucumber sandwiches were a huge hit along with the salmon cones. While we ate and lounged, we engaged in very girly talk and for that afternoon, I did feel like I was back in the colonial days sipping on tea and eating scones while chatting with my girlfriends.
Too bad all good things come to an end, but not before we took a picture to remind us of the afternoon when we played posh.

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