Saturday, February 4, 2012

Vietnam: HCM city

 Our last day in HCM was hectic if anything. So many things to do, so little time. So we took a quick walk around the town once we reached HCM after our homestay. Didn't even have time to put our bags down at the hotel! I do think that I could have spent one more day in HCM but all holidays have to come to an end, and I did spend two full weeks travelling, so there was a bit of an urge to go home and prepare for work. In any case, there is a lot of "colonial" (if I may use that word) architecture left in HCM from the Notre Dame church to the post office. Buildings are much better kept here which makes for nice pictures and an even better walking tour.
Post office and the interior. It's very very busy inside. Incidentally though, the best place in Vietnam to ship stuff is apparently at Hoi An - because of it's ancient history as a shipping port. They're said to be much more reliable than other Viet cities - as told to me by my guide.
Notre Dame church of HCM. Couldn't go in because it was close, but the exterior is worth stopping by and looking at.
Another shot of the post office, further away but gives a better look of the size of the building
Reunification palace
Our last group dinner together! Lap brought us to this BBQ place where we had amazing steak and prawns - cheap beers as usual and all of us had a great time. Since it was the last day, most people dressed up! After 14 days of au naturale, it was nice to put on some makeup and look a bit more presentable in photos :)
Night in HCM... very very very busy...
Another paranoma picture of the Rex hotel bar I took with my iphone..... I'm loving this App!
Was quite sad when this tour came to an end. It was a lovely two weeks which I was quite apprehensive about first, but I have come to love this country alot. I've also made many new friends and had some interesting experiences which will definitely make for fond memories in time to come. Ever since my return have been asking raving about my trip and definitely would love to go back again sometime... Gosh.. I really do miss travelling!

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